lightbulb moment meme
Your gym is struggling and it IS YOUR FAULT !!

Your gym is struggling and it IS YOUR FAULT !!   Before you get your knickers in a twist let me frame that statement for you, Your current business reality is based on the strategic decisions and actions you have and havn't taken up to this point !!   Whether...

Business & Fitness are the Same ?

Business & Fitness are the Same ? let me show you what ive seen over the last 19 years running a business and working in the fitness an coaching world   How so ? to succeed at business you have to/ or may have chosen to do the...

Achieve More in a Week than your Rivals do in a Month

Im big on success and productivity and with my business and fitness clients we are constantly looking at collapsing time to get better results in a shorter time. in business, having more energy, confidence and strength can add massively to the bottom line !! By bottom...

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Skillset vs Mindset

Skillset vs mindset watch this and see what you opinion is   If you want to work on your mindset for success give me a call today on 077959 964473 and we can start a conversation  and help you to where you want to go Miles x...

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Fear or courage

fear or courage ? which is it ? Watch this video and have a listen If you feel you want to start a conversation about what you  are struggling with call me today on 07795 964473. Miles x...

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Winning & the Unstoppable Mindset

Winning & the Unstoppable Mindset is a seminar to help you achieve more in the next 90 days than you did in the last 9 months ! Tackling all the excuses, lies and stories you tell yourself that stops you from being the person and living...

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Complexity Kills your Success

complexity kills your success as it flies in the face of simplicity and the basics, and that my friend is where the success is. Have you said any of these before, " should i do more" "how can i get there faster" "it cant be that simple" "there must be...